Let me help you

Looking for feedback on your script, accountability for finishing a project, thoughts on your podcast strategy, advice on changing careers? I work 1:1 with folks to help the bring their projects to fruition, get them unstuck, and figure out what their story is (personal or otherwise). Fill out the below form with what you’re looking for and let’s see if I can support you!

1:1 Consulting

Camp finish.

Camp Finish is a year-long workshop starting in October 2024 designed to support a handful of people on their journey to bring their big swing project to life — podcasts, indie features, career transitions, you name it, let’s figure out how you can make it and finish it. Through group sessions, 1:1 meetings and quarterly goal setting, I’ll help you bring your ambitious project to life. Applications now open. Fill out the below form for more information about the workshop and pricing.